Spring Harvest – Newsongs for the Church

Spring Harvest – Newsongs for the Church (2017)


The sounds of worship for the new year, this year’s Spring Harvest Newsongs release is a cherry-picked selection of the new worship music of the moment.

Featuring the talents of Brian and Katie Torwalt, Bethel Worship, Hillsong Worship, Tim Hughes, Ben Cantelon, Cathy Burton, Nathan Jess, Chris Tomlin, Paul Baloche and Matt Redman, this Newsongs release features the kind of variety that appeals to any lovers of powerful worship music.

These are songs to empower worship, the bring churches together, and to stir the passionate faith of many into action.

Discover a taste of what is to come at 2017’s Spring Harvest with this collection of the best worship music of today.


1. Champion
2. Yes and Amen
3. What a Beautiful Name
4. The Mountain
5. O What Love That Came
6. God and God Alone
7. One Family
8. Once for All
9. Come, Lord Jesus
10. Our God (No Place Without Hope)
11. He Lives
12. We Believe in God

This album is aviable on Radio W2H / Radio Aripi Spre Cer International Playlist. You can request it HERE

Please share this article and our Radio Station with your friends! Be blessed!

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marius C.

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marius C.

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